Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The simple minds

For last two classes we have been talking about religion. How religion influences people lives and make them believe in anything that they hear or see. I came from a different country and i have a different way of looking at things especially when it comes to religion. Personally i believe in God, but i don't go all crazy like some people do. Through out my life i meat a lot of people, some were very religious and some didn't even believe in it.

Persons' mind is very powerful thing, but it can be manipulated so easy by the outside influence. The funny part about this is that you might not even know that you have been manipulated by someone or something until you stop and think about.

Religion can be looked as a "powerful tool" that is used by churches to obtain control over people. The good example would be Iraq. Young boys get brain washed with religion to sacrifice their life, so they can be with "40 virgins" when they die. The sad part is that their getting trained to kill innocent people for no particular reason. In some countries kids as young as three years old already learning about God and religion. I think that's a little too much. Religion is important, but it shouldn't be forced upon people especially young kids.

To make things a little less stressful i found this video that talks about religion. It's a funny video with some points about religion that actually makes sense. Hope you enjoy it.

Comments are welcome.

Thank you for reading


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