Monday, March 23, 2009

Virtual Religion- Formal Post 2

In light of the assignment that our class has begun research on I decided to delve into one of my topics, Virtual Religion. Were in the 21st Century now, so as I could have guessed God has gotten with the times and is now online. Seeing as the internet is a useful tool that helps many of us in our daily lives, it no wonder religion has sought out web space for its followers. Making religion ultimately more convenient for those in practice, like offers a way for people to order prayers at a Hindu Temple. A site that caught my eye was It provides an online community for those of Christian faith that resembles face book with an online forum. Blogs, Poll's, Photo Galleries, and Even a featured video on the homepage. However, this concept of Internet Administered Religion seems to contradict religion itself. It seems to take away the experience of religion to make it more convenient for ourselves, but can we make God convenient? Doesn't it seem a little bit dis respectable to make Religion fit to your needs over the Almighty's? I did stumble across a posting in an online forum that was interesting titled "Your Parents Religion". The post does not renounce their faith, but clues us into the history that someone on this site might have, even doubts that person might have about religion. I don't agree with the idea of Online religious practice, but I feel like online communities open up new doors for people to find others of the same faith and values easily.

Cited Works

"Yale Daily News - 'Virtual' religion raises interesting questions." Yale Daily News - The Nation's Oldest College Daily. 23 Mar. 2009 .

"Your Parents Religion." Religious Website - Christian Community, Forums, Friends & Social Network. 23 Mar. 2009 .

1 comment:

  1. Matt,
    You said "It seems to take away the experience of religion to make it more convenient for ourselves, but can we make God convenient? Doesn't it seem a little bit dis respectable to make Religion fit to your needs over the Almighty's?"

    To further your post, my question to the class would be - in our world today, with the economy the way it is, how much can we be asked to sacrifice in order to fit the requirements of religious sects/beliefs into our schedule? How much is too much? How do other "foreign" religions compromise when they move to America as a minority?

