Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Its hard to say whether or not religion is good or bad for promoting good morals in society-because there are just so many variants. However i do agree with you that one could argue it both ways. My grandparents were extremely religious and my dad was until about when I was 15, my mom on the other hand was not at all and now recently has become religious. I thought i was kinda rebellious for not going to church when i was younger and thats mainly why i didn't go- yet deep down felt morally bad or like i was doing something wrong. Now though, I thank myself for staying away from the church and following my moms earlier views.
The swap in religious significance with my parents has caused me to realize that the church does good for some people and can promote the right morals ethics and ways of living your life but i think that those same ideals can be taught in much better ways. My mom travels all over the world helping those less fortunate than us living in our first world country-and having traveled with her extensively I feel I obtained morals if not equal but better than some of the people I know who have attended church. Appreciating what you have and caring for those around you I feel are the essential basics to be morally good. The church may do this for some people, but for me the baggage that comes with the church is just ludicrous. Its so unsettling knowing the immoral and corrupt things the church has done in the past to humanity.
Speaking about the media or movies and morality is interesting as well because the church used to use similar forms of manipulation that the media uses today. Whats great now though is that they are working together- I saw on the news that a Bishop in Brazil spoke out against an abortion a 9year old girl had because her father raped her and got her pregnant- Now... where the hell is the morality in that?

News info from

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